Journal Details

Journal title Journal of Complementary Nursing
Abbreviation JCN
Language English
ISSN 2777-0656 (e); registered in the ISSN International Centre
DOI Prefix 10.53801/jcn by  Crossref
Publication Frequency 3 issues per year (February, June and October)
Citation Analysis Dimensions; GoogleScholar
Indexing Garuda, Google Scholar, Dimension, OpenAlex
Subject Area Hypnotherapy, Therapeutic massage, Acupoint therapy, Herbs, Cupping therapy and various other complementary therapies.
Editor-in-chief Ns. Heri Saputro, S.Kep., M.Kep.  
Publisher SAGA Media Indo (member of MPI Publisher), Associate CV. Alkahf Digital Inovasi
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Journal Description

Journal of Complementary Nursing (JCN) is a research journal published by SAGA Media Indo (member of MPI Indonesia). JCN is a journal published specifically to accommodate researchers, especially in complementary fields, especially complementary nursing to make a real contribution to society. JCN is a journal that was first published in March 2021, JCN has a vision to provide benefits not only nationally but also to the international community.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Complementary Nursing
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