Journal Details

Journal title Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Saga Komunitas 
Abbreviation JPMSK
Language English | Bahasa Indonesia
ISSN 2828-1608 (e); 2828-1616 (p); registered in the ISSN International Centre
DOI Prefix 10.53801/jpmsk by  Crossref
Publication Frequency 4 issues per year (December, March, June and September)
Citation Analysis Dimensions; GoogleScholar
Indexing Garuda, Google Scholar, Dimension, Fatcat.Wiki, Indonesia One Search
Subject Area

Community Services, Communities, Local Food Security; Community Empowerment, Social Access; Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, Design; Education for Sustainable Development in Health; Less Advanced Areas.

Editor-in-chief Dr. Dian Kresnadipayana, S.Si., M.Si.  
Publisher Saga Media Indo, Associate CV. Alkahf Digital Inovasi

Journal Description

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Saga Komunitas (JPMSK) is a research journal published by Saga Media Indo (an affiliate of CV. Alkahf Digital Inovasi). Our journal is dedicated to advancing knowledge worldwide, emphasizing the novelty of the latest scientifically sound research findings. Therefore, this journal is expected to provide references and guidelines for enhancing knowledge based on community service activities. In the long run, it is hoped to have a positive impact on individuals, communities, and society.

Additional Announcement

JPMSK was first published in December 2021. This journal has also been indexed by reputable database indexing institutions such as Dimensions, GARUDA, One Search, and Google Scholar. JPMSK is a research journal with a Focus and Scope in line with the field of Community Services and Communities, emphasizing publication quality in accordance with scientific publishing principles. JPMSK recommends that authors read the Author Guidelines before submitting to our journal, and authors are required to adhere to internationally approved Publication Ethics.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Saga Komunitas
					View Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Saga Komunitas
Published: 2024-09-04


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