The Combination of Turmeric and Honey Decoction and Its Effect on the Level of Menstrual Pain in Adolescent Girls at SMK Maju Nusantara Depok in 2022


  • Angel Mutiara Hutabarat Indonesia Maju University
  • Nur Eni Lestari Indonesia Maju University



honey, menstrual pain, turmeric decoction, young women


Background: Adolescents often experience problems during menarche, one of which is menstrual pain. The thing that can be done is complementary therapy by giving turmeric and honey decoction.

Objectives: To determine the effect of a combination of turmeric and honey decoction on the level of menstrual pain in adolescent girls at SMK Forward Nusantara Depok.

Methods: The quantitative method with the research design used in this research is a quasi-experiment with pre-test and post-test one-group design. The study begins with a pretest, namely filling in observations, then respondents will be given an intervention to consume a combination of turmeric and honey decoction 1 time a day for the first 2 days of menstruation, and in the observation sheet. The pain assessment instrument uses the numerical rating Scales to measure pain. The research sample was taken by purposive sampling, in which subjects that included the required criteria would be included in the study until the subjects required in this study were met. Analysis using the Marginal Homogeneity test

Results: There is an effect of a combination of turmeric and honey decoction on the level of menstrual pain in young women with a p-value of 0.000 <0.05.

Conclusion: There is an effect of a combination of turmeric and honey decoction on the level of menstrual pain in young women.


